Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sharon Stone's Comments Were Thoughtless, but You Should Get Instant Karma

Sharon Stone's recent comments about the Chinese earthquake disaster and bad karma brought angry responses from the Chinese. There are better ways to react to outrages against human rights than blaming the victims of a natural disaster (e.g., Amnesty International's Instant Karma CD). [Click on the image for a larger version of this cartoon. The text reads: 'When I brought home a shelter cat, my first cat was, like, how can you do this to me; and I said, think of all the good karma this will bring us; and my cat was, like, you shouldn’t talk about karma in such a casual way – look what happened to Sharon Stone; and I said Sharon Stone thoughtlessly commented that China’s earthquake disaster might be bad karma from their hideous treatment of Tibet, which is blaming the victim, and that’s not what I’m doing; and my cat was, like, still we have to be careful not to use ancient spiritual concepts in an over-simplistic way, and besides this stupid cat wouldn’t have been in a shelter if she wasn’t so ugly and unloveable; and I said, she’s here to stay; but I bought my cat a copy of Instant Karma which is the album for Darfur that Amnesty International brought out because Yoko Ono gave all the rights to John’s songs to them; and I said generosity is a far better reaction to a disaster than blaming the victim; and my cat was, like, you’re blaming me for fighting with this interloper, when I’m the victim; but all I was saying was give peace a chance.']

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually Sharon Stone was quite correct about the earthquake being caused by China's bad karma as a nation. Burma also has plenty has plenty of bad karma.

See more info on group karma at