Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fashion Sense Says Eating Animals is Always in Bad Taste

Here at Fashion Sense we were appalled last week when Chef Beppe Bigazzi gave out his recipe for cat stew. We do, however, agree with PETA that eating any sort of animal is in very bad taste. [Click on the image for a larger version. The text reads: "Last week my sister stormed into my house shouting, "I can't believe it! Some Italian chef actually bragged about eating cats on TV," and I said, "Yeah, Beppe Bigazzi. His network suspended him over it," and she said, "They should do worse than that!" and I said, "PETA agreed with him," and she said, "Say what?" and I said, "I mean they agreed with him when he said that if people eat rabbits and chickens and pigeons, they shouldn't get so freaked at the idea of eating cats," and she said, "He's just making excuses! It's outrageous," and I said, "My goose doesn't think so. He thinks eating geese is as bad as eating cats," and my sister spluttered for a while, and then she said, "But cats are pets," and I said, "So are rabbits and pigs, but people eat them anyway," and she said, "Oh, that's right, I forgot, you vegetarians are so self-righteous you're impossible to reason with; and you don't have any sense of humor either," and I said, "Question: How many meat eaters does it take to change a lightbulb? Answer: None because they'd rather stay in the dark about factory farming," and she stormed back out before I could offer her a tasty vegan lunch.']

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