Saturday, April 19, 2008

Brigitte Bardot Could Learn a Lot from Cesar Chavez

Brigitte Bardot has again been fined for her anti-immigrant comments. She could learn a lot from Cesar Chavez, who helped immigrants and animals and everybody, really. [Click on the image for a larger version of the cartoon. The text reads: 'I told Tea I was going out of town to visit my rescued Premarin mare, and she said, "Premarin -- isn't that hormone pills?" and I said, "Made from pregnant mare's urine; my mare peed for a drug company for years and then she was slated to be dogfood," and Tea said, "I just saw Brigitte Bardot on the news and she must have stopped taking her hormone pills -- she looks really old and she's always going on about animals," and I said, "Wasn't she just fined for saying bad things about Muslim immigrants?" and Tea said, "She says she hates the way Muslims slaughter sheep on one of their holidays," and I said, "So the French were really kind to animals before Muslims came along? How about the way they force food down a goose's gullet until its liver turns to pate?" and Tea said, "A lot of people that are sentimental about animals are really right-wing -- I mean, Hitler was a vegetarian," and I said, "That's debatable, but Cesar Chavez was definitely a vegetarian, and he did lots of good things for immigrants," and Tea said, "He was probably just too poor to afford meat," and I said," There's no reason you can't be kind to animals and people, too," and to prove it, I left to go visit my mare before I told Tea I thought she was talking horseshit.']

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