Thursday, April 10, 2008

McCartney-Mills Divorce Settlement

I applaud activism, and McCartney and Mills made a nice couple, but the rich are still different from you and me. [Click on the image for a larger version of the cartoon. The text reads: 'On St. Patrick’s Day I heard about the divorce settlement between Paul McCartney and Heather Mills, and Paul has always been my favorite Beatle and I loved his vegetarian lifestyle and the rabbit loved his opposition to bloodsports, and I admired her work against landmines, and I thought they made a fabulous couple, but the marriage didn’t last, and they said she was just a golddigger and he should have signed a prenup, so the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth, and I guess Brangelina will have to be my favorite celebrity activist couple now, and it does occur to me that actually they’re just a bunch of spoiled rich people, but at least the taxpayers don’t have to bail them out of the consequences of their stupid decisions like we’ll probably have to do for Bear Stearns.']

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